Evaluation Criteria for Athletes to Return to Play after Hamstring Injury
中文关键词:运动员  腘绳肌损伤  重返赛场
英文关键词:athlete  hamstring injury  return to play
贺 忱 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所北京 100061 
高 奉 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所北京 100061 
钱 驿 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所北京 100061 
果 森 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所北京 100061 
周敬滨 国家体育总局 运动医学研究所北京 100061解放军医学院北京 100853 
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      Hamstring injury is one of the most common injuries in athletes. It trends to recur and affect sports performance after injury. The most concerned problem of athletes' team is whether they can return to play as soon as possible, and minimize the time loss. However, early exercise will not only exacerbate symptoms, but also increase the risk of re-injury. We have summarized the research of hamstring injury in recent years. It is suggested that clinical, sports performance and psychological evaluation should be done well before returning to play. For readiness assessment of the athletes after hamstring injury, emphasis is placed on pain and fear relief ,flexibility and range of motion recovering to level before injury, strength and sports special ability at 90% before injury, psychological evaluation score more than 75 points.
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