Research on Dynamic Change and Spatial Differentiation of Sports Goods Manufacturing Agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta Cities
中文关键词:体育用品制造业  动态变化  地理加权回归  时空异质性
英文关键词:sports goods manufacturing industry  dynamic change  geographical weighted regression  spatiotemporal heterogeneity
徐 磊 吉林体育学院吉林 长春 130022 。 
摘要点击次数: 2855
全文下载次数: 2676
      Objective: To explore the spatial distribution of the sports goods manufacturing industries in Yangtze River Delta through exploratory spatial data analysis, and to analyze the factors influencing the development of sporting goods manufacturing industry in different cities in the region based on Cobb Douglas production function and geographical weighted regression. Conclusion:(1) The sports goods manufacturing industries in the Yangtze River Delta cities have obvious characteristics of spatial agglomeration. There is high-high agglomeration in the east and low-low agglomeration in the west. The degree of agglomeration is decreasing, and the industrial agglomeration is transferring to the central part of the region; (2) The significance of asset investment and FDI affecting the sports goods manufacturing industry is gradually decreasing, while the significance of labor force and RD expenditure is gradually increasing; (3) FDI and capital investment play an important role in the region with lower development level in the sports goods manufacturing industry, while labor force and RD expenditure play an important role in the region with higher development level. Suggestions: (1) Give full play to the regional advantages and facilitate a reasonable division of labor; (2) Plan industrial transfer scientifically and optimize industrial structure.
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