A Big Data Based Research on Construction and Application of Shanghai National Fitness Smart Service Platform
中文关键词:上海  全民健身  智慧服务平台  运营管理
英文关键词:Shanghai  national fitness  smart service platform  operation management
徐士韦 上海政法学院 体育法治研究院,上海 201701 
肖焕禹 上海体育学院,上海 200438 。 
摘要点击次数: 2351
全文下载次数: 2968
      While smart city construction in China is getting increasingly comprehensive, integrated and intelligent in this new era, smart sports construction has become an important part of smart city construction. The national fitness strategy has posed urgent tasks and challenges as follows: to construct a smart service platform for national fitness, to realize the interconnection of urban sports resources, to develop a digital service system with reasonable structure and sound network, to offer a public digital sports service integrating knowledge, fun, interaction and guidance, and to promote the smart development of national fitness. Therefore, based on the theoretical research and practical application, we put forward the general idea, goal and task of constructing and operating the smart service platform for national fitness in Shanghai; the framework, task and function of the platform construction; as well as the concept of a scientific operation management model which integrates platform construction and management, application and operation, and government guidance and market operation.
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