The Relationship between the Results of Special Physical Fitness and Competition Ranking in the 2nd Youth Games of the People's Republic of China
中文关键词:青运会  排球  身体素质  比赛名次
英文关键词:volleyball  youth athlete  physical fitness  competition ranking
赵德峰 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心),上海 200030 。 
陈贞祥 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心),上海 200030 。 
王贝 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心),上海 200030 。 
杨圣韬 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心),上海 200030 。 
任雪 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心),上海 200030 。 
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      目的:通过分析第二届青运会排球专项身体素质成绩、项目设置及与比赛名次的关系,为青年排球专项身体素质测试及训练提供有借鉴意义的参考。方法:收集第二届青年运动会男排U18组和女排U17组24支球队的专项身体素质成绩和比赛名次进行统计并分析二者相关性。结果:男排U18组和女排U17组助跑摸高的成绩分别为(3.24±0.11) m、(2.91±0.11) m,占总分比为20.1%、21.9%;半“米”字移动成绩分别为(15.66±0.74) s、(16.95±0.84) s,占总分比为20.8%、18.1%;30 m跑成绩分别为(4.35±0.18) s、(4.98±0.23) s,占总分比为23.2%、18.2%;抛掷实心球成绩分别为(12.32±1.82) m、(9.22±1.45) m,占总分比为23.0%、22.1%;男子1 500 m项目平均成绩为(337.14±28.79) s,占总分比为12.8%,女子800 m成绩为(183.10±22.28) s,占总分比为19.6%。男排U18组和女排U17组身体素质总分与比赛名次呈负相关,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),即身体素质总分越高,比赛名次越靠前。结论与建议:男排U18组和女排U17组各队助跑摸高成绩差距最小,半“米”字移动、抛掷实心球和1 500 m(800 m)跑成绩差距较大;女排U17组身体素质项目各项得分较为均衡,成绩设置合理,男排U18组1 500 m项目设置的必要性及得分设定需进一步分析研讨;青年排球专项身体素质成绩越高,比赛名次越好,目前采用的专项身体素质测试方法较为合理,对竞赛成绩有较好预测性。
      Objective: This study, by analyzing the relationship between the special physical fitness results, the setting of the events and the ranking of the competition in The 2nd Youth Games of the People`s Republic of China, intends to provide a reference for the test and training of youth volleyball special physical fitness. Methods: The results of the special physical fitness and competition ranking in the U18 men's volleyball group and U17 women's volleyball group from 24 teams were collected, and then the correlation analysis between the competition ranking and the special physical fitness results were conducted. Results: In the U18 men's volleyball group and U17 women's volleyball group, the run-up touch scores were 3.24±0.11 m (20.1%) and 2.91±0.11 m (21.9%) respectively, the results of cross movement were 15.66±0.74 s (20.8%) and 16.95±0.84 s (18.1%) , the results of the 30 meter run were 4.35±0.18 s (23.2%) and 4.98±0.23 s (18.2%), the results of the medicine ball throw test were 12.32±1.82 m (23.0%) and 9.22±1.45 m (22.1%). The average scores of men's 1 500 meters and women's 800 meters were 337.14±28.79 s (12.8%) and 183.10±22.28 s (19.6%) respectively. There was a negative correlation between the total score of physical fitness and the competition ranking of men's U18 group and women's U17 group. The difference was statistically significant (P< 0.01), that is, the one who has better physical fitness ranks higher in competition. Conclusion and suggestion: Each team of U18 men's volleyball and U17 women's volleyball groups showed little performance difference in run-up touch, but big difference in the cross movement, medicine ball throw and 1 500 m (800 m) run. The scores of physical fitness items in U17 women's volleyball group were relatively balanced, and the setting of the events was reasonable. The necessity and scoring rules of the 1 500 m event in U18 men's volleyball group need further analysis and discussion. The player who has better physical fitness ranks higher in competition. The special physical fitness test method used currently is more reasonable and can predict the competition results well.
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