Research on Disqualification of All Competition Results in Doping Sanctions "Unless Fairness Requires Otherwise"
中文关键词:公平  取消比赛成绩  兴奋剂违规  规则例外
英文关键词:fairness  disqualification of results  doping violation  rule exceptions
王凡 苏州大学 王健法学院,江苏 苏州 215006 
摘要点击次数: 1584
全文下载次数: 1519
      This paper focuses on the clause " Unless fairness requires otherwise" in doping sanctions under Article 10.10 of the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) through the reflection of the case of the athlete Kamala Valieva, pointing out the controversial application of this clause (the exception to the fairness principle) in practice, i.e., in order to ensure the clean and healthy development of sport, it is important to focus on the use of this exception when imposing the disqualification of all results on athletes. However, due to the broad and vague nature of this provision and the unlimited discretion given to arbitrators, it may directly affect the outcome of the case and the entire life of the athlete. Therefore, the study analyzes the factors affecting the application of this exception in specific cases, the shortcomings and the related suggestions for further improvement.
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