Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Aging Muscle Loss in Middle-aged and Elderly Women
中文关键词:中老年女性  肌力流失  瘦体重  肌肉质量  肌肉力量
英文关键词:middle-aged and elderly women  muscle loss  lean body weight  muscle mass  muscle strength
袁德盛 上海体育学院 “运动健身科技”省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海 200438 
张胜年 上海体育学院 “运动健身科技”省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海 200438 
摘要点击次数: 1601
全文下载次数: 1437
      Objective: To explore the characteristics of aging muscle strength loss in middle-aged and elderly women. Methods: 85 middle-aged and elderly women were divided into 3 age groups. 29 young women were used as the control group. The whole-body muscle mass, hip, knee and ankle flexion and extension, and 60°/s isokinetic muscle strength were measured by using the whole-body dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and Con-Trex isokinetic muscle strength testing system. Results: The middle-aged women in their 50 s showed significant muscle mass loss, and the lower limb muscle mass loss persisted before the age of 70. The age-related characteristics of the lower limb muscle strength loss in the middle-aged and elderly women were the earliest manifestation of muscle strength loss in the hip joint. The "turning point" of the rapid loss of lower limb muscle contraction strength was about 60 years old, and and the loss of dynamic muscle contraction strength preceded the loss of isometric contraction strength. The loss of isometric contraction strength of the three joints of the lower limbs showed a "hip-knee-ankle" pattern; The 60°/s isokinetic strength presented a "hip-knee-ankle" pattern after the age of 60. Conclusion: Elderly women's knee flexors may have a higher rate of muscle loss than extensors. The relationship between muscle mass and strength loss reveals that strength loss precedes mass loss.
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