An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Quality of Life and Physical Exercise Behavior in the Elderly
中文关键词:老年人  生命质量  体育锻炼  SF-36  健康老龄化
英文关键词:the elderly  quality of life  physical exercise  SF-36  healthy aging
陈善平 西安交通大学 体育中心,陕西 西安 710049 
茹瑶 苏州科技大学 体育部,江苏 苏州 215009 
刘丽萍 西安交通大学 体育中心,陕西 西安 710049 
杨莹琨 西安高新区第三初级中学(高新一中分校) 体育部,陕西 西安 710000 
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      目的:实证分析老年人生命质量和体育锻炼行为的关系,为促进健康老龄化提供参考。方法:采用简明健康调查问卷(SF-36)和体育锻炼行为问卷对男女配对抽取的200名60岁以上老年人进行调查。结果:不同体育锻炼项目数、锻炼频率、锻炼时间和锻炼行为阶段的生命质量8个子维度得分均值均有显著性差异。结论:老年人生命质量各维度与参加锻炼项目数、锻炼频率、锻炼时间和锻炼坚持均有显著相关,总体来讲老年人参加的锻炼项目数量越多、每周参与体育锻炼的次数越多、在90 min内老年人单次体育锻炼时间越长、坚持有规律的体育锻炼越长,生命质量得分越高。老年人在锻炼频率、锻炼时间和锻炼坚持方面比较好,但参与体育锻炼项目数较少,在锻炼内容的丰富性上有较大欠缺;老年人生命质量较差,需要加强体育锻炼促进生命质量,重点在于增加老年人体育活动的丰富性和促进锻炼坚持性,适当增加锻炼频率、时间。
      Objective: To empirically analyze the relationship between quality of life and physical exercise behavior in the elderly, and to provide reference for promoting healthy aging. Methods: 200 male and female matched participants aged 60 years or older were surveyed using the Brief Health Questionnaire (SF-36) and Physical Activity Behavior Questionnaire. Results: There were significant differences in the mean scores of 8 subdimensions of quality of life in different physical exercise items, exercise frequency, exercise time and exercise behavior stage. Conclusions :(1) The dimensions of quality of life of the elderly are significantly correlated with the number of exercise items, exercise frequency, exercise time and exercise persistence. Generally, the more exercise items the elderly participate in, the higher quality of life score; The more times the elderly participated in physical exercise each week, the higher the quality of life score; The longer the time of single exercise in 90 minutes, the higher the quality of life score; The longer the elderly insist on regular physical exercise, the higher the quality of life score. (2) The elderly are better in exercise frequency, exercise duration and exercise persistence, but are lack in the varieties of exercise items, and are poor in quality of life. Therefore it is necessary to promote physical exercise among the elderly so as to improve their quality of life, with focus on enriching their physical activities, promoting their exercise persistence, and increasing their exercise frequency and duration appropriately.
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