A Systematic Review of the Inducing Post-Activation Performance Enhancement by Different Conditioning Activities
中文关键词:激活后增强效应  激活后表现增强  跳跃  冲刺  爆发力
英文关键词:post-activation potentiation  post-activation performance enhancement  jump  sprint  power
石林 成都体育学院 体育教育学院四川 成都 610041 
韩冬 上海体育大学 竞技运动学院上海 200438 
郭炜 上海体育大学 竞技运动学院上海 200438 
陈贞祥 上海体育大学 竞技运动学院上海 200438 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心)上海 200030 
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      目的:系统总结不同运动干预诱导激活后表现增强(PAPE)的相关研究,为制定适宜的PAPE诱导方案提供参考与启示。方法:检索Web of Science、PubMed、EBSCO、CNKI等数据库的相关文献,通过筛选后共纳入71篇。结果:涉及的运动干预包括深蹲、奥林匹克举、臀推、硬拉、腿推举、飞轮抗阻训练、超等长跳跃、阻力冲刺跑、全身振动训练、可变阻力训练、聚组训练、血流限制训练12种。结论:以冲刺PAPE为诱导目标时,适宜采用臀推、阻力冲刺跑、高翻以及超等长跳跃;以跳跃PAPE为诱导目标时,适宜采用自由重量深蹲、等长深蹲、分腿蹲结合血流限制训练以及跳深和负重蹲跳;力量水平高的运动员适宜采用全幅度运动方式以及等长深蹲;力量水平低的运动员适宜采用半幅度运动方式、固定器械腿推举以及全身振动训练;适宜将可变阻力训练和聚组训练与传统抗阻训练相结合应用于复合式训练中;飞轮抗阻训练和血流限制训练无需大重量器械即能对机体有较大的刺激效果,可用于赛前激活方案中。
      Objective: Different conditioning activities inducing post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) were systematically summarized so as to provide support for the selection of suitable PAPE protocol in practical application. Methods: Web of Science、PubMed、EBSCO、CNKI were searched, and 71 studies were included through inclusion criterion and research quality assessment. Results: The retrieved studies were categorized into 12 conditioning activities: back squat, Olympic variants, hip thrust, deadlift, leg press, flywheel training, plyometric jumping, sled sprint, whole-body vibration, variable resistance training, cluster-set training, blood flow restriction training. Conclusion: When the aim is to induce sprint PAPE, hip thrust, sled sprint, power clean, and plyometric jumping were recommended; when the aim is to induce jump PAPE, free-weight back squat, isometric back squat, split squat combined with blood flow restriction, drop jump, and loaded squat jump were recommended. Athlete with high strength level is recommended to use the entire range of motion training and isometric back squat; athlete with low strength level is recommended to use partial range of motion training, leg press, and whole-body vibration. The combination of traditional resistance training with variable resistance training or cluster-set training is applicable to complex training. Blood flow restriction and flywheel training are recommended to use in pre-competition since they have a relatively greater loading stimulation to the athlete without resorting to cumbersome equipment.
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