China's Response to CAS's Citing Precedent Arbitration Practice
中文关键词:先例  仲裁先例  援引先例  国际体育仲裁院
英文关键词:precedents  arbitration precedents  precedent citation  Court of Arbitration for Sport
王迪 苏州大学 王健法学院江苏 苏州 215006 
摘要点击次数: 998
全文下载次数: 1140
      Since its establishment, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has frequently cited the precedent of its own arbitration in all kinds of cases and insisted on ruling with the arguments in the precedent. This arbitration practice has become the norm of CAS in the settlement of international sports disputes, especially in cases involving China parties. In recent years, in the whole and individual cases of CAS involving China parties, the practice of CAS citing precedents actually exists, which continuously affects China athletes and the development of sports arbitration. Facing the arbitration practice of CAS citing precedents, China parties should take the initiative in arbitration, insist on the right to put forward precedents and the right to obtain the reasons for the CAS to cite precedents, and complete the preparatory work and precedent research for citing precedents. At the same time, China should learn from the arbitration practice of CAS citing precedents, train specialized researchers and establish a sports arbitration mechanism with CAS as an example.
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