A Study of Identifying Clean Athletes in Systematic Doping Events
中文关键词:甄别规则  清白运动员  集体兴奋剂违规  集体禁赛
英文关键词:identifying rules  clean athletes  systematic doping abuse  collective suspension
张瀚月 苏州大学 王健法学院江苏 苏州 215006 
摘要点击次数: 970
全文下载次数: 1134
      International sports organizations have taken a number of measures in response to Russian systematic doping scandals, the first of which was to suspend the membership of Russian national sports federations, one consequence of which was the collective ban for Russian athletes from competition. Some international sports organizations have agreed to apply identifying rules to clean athletes to protect their legal rights to participate in sports events. This paper argues that the practice of supporting the application of identifying rules is justified. However, the existing identifying rules are yet to be improved, which calls for a unified identifying mechanism, with the WADA as the core. The future construction of a unified identifying mechanism should clarify the rule-making and review subjects, and contribute to fair and reasonable identifying rules in order to form an interoperable identifying system with rapid feedback.
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