集体兴奋剂事件中对清白运动员甄别的法律问题 |
A Study of Identifying Clean Athletes in Systematic Doping Events |
投稿时间:2023-07-01 |
DOI:10.12064/ssr.2023070103 |
中文关键词:甄别规则 清白运动员 集体兴奋剂违规 集体禁赛 |
英文关键词:identifying rules clean athletes systematic doping abuse collective suspension |
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(23BTY036) |
摘要点击次数: 1036 |
全文下载次数: 1159 |
中文摘要: |
国际体育组织针对俄罗斯集体兴奋剂事件采取了诸多措施,其中首要的处罚措施是中止俄罗斯国家体育联合会在国际单项体育联合会的会员资格,后果之一便是俄罗斯运动员被集体禁赛,丧失参赛资格。部分国际单项体育联合会同意对清白运动员适用甄别规则,保障其合法参赛权利。认为支持适用甄别规则的实践具有正当性,但现有的甄别规则并不完美,仍须建立以世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)为核心的统一甄别机制,通过该机制明确甄别规则制定与审查的主体,实现甄别规则的公正合理,形成互联互通、反馈迅速的甄别体系。 |
英文摘要: |
International sports organizations have taken a number of measures in response to Russian systematic doping scandals, the first of which was to suspend the membership of Russian national sports federations, one consequence of which was the collective ban for Russian athletes from competition. Some international sports organizations have agreed to apply identifying rules to clean athletes to protect their legal rights to participate in sports events. This paper argues that the practice of supporting the application of identifying rules is justified. However, the existing identifying rules are yet to be improved, which calls for a unified identifying mechanism, with the WADA as the core. The future construction of a unified identifying mechanism should clarify the rule-making and review subjects, and contribute to fair and reasonable identifying rules in order to form an interoperable identifying system with rapid feedback. |
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