On Paths to Realize the Implementing, Supplementary and Exploratory Functions of Local Legislation: A Case Study of Shanghai Sports Development Regulations
中文关键词:《上海市体育发展条例》  实施性  补充性  探索性  闲置空间建设公共体育设施  高危险性体育项目  预付费经营活动
英文关键词:Shanghai Sports Development Regulations  implementing  supplementary  exploratory  the use of idle space to build public sports facilities  high risk sports  pre-paid business activities
王星元 上海市人大社会建设委员会上海 200003 
摘要点击次数: 450
全文下载次数: 855
      China has a unified and hierarchical legislative system. As an important part of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, local laws and regulations should stick to the key of high-quality legislation and give full play to the implementing, supplementary and exploratory functions of local legislation. The legislative process of the Shanghai Sports Development Regulations adheres to the principles of scientific legislation, democratic legislation, and legislation by the law. It is to reflect the will of the masses, satisfy actual needs, highlight characteristic experience, facilitate cracking specific issues of insufficient regulations in practice, and actually enhance the effectiveness of local legislation. This regulation provides a solid legal guarantee for upgrading the modernization level of Shanghai's sports governance system and governance capacity, promoting the high-quality development of Shanghai's sports industry in the new era, and accelerating the construction of a world-famous sports city. This paper, taking the legislative process and key provisions of Shanghai Sports Development Regulations as an example, explored the methods and paths of implementing, supplementing and exploring local legislation in order to provide useful reference for local legislation.
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