Analysis and Application of Shooting Techniques of Elite Air Pistolers
中文关键词:气手枪  高水平射击运动员  射击技术  射击成绩
英文关键词:air pistol  shooters  shooting technique  shooting performance
陆姣姣 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心)上海 200030 
安燕 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心)上海 200030 
刘珉 上海市竞技体育训练管理中心上海 202162 
王莹 上海市竞技体育训练管理中心上海 202162 
黄琼渝 北京体育大学北京 100084 
王雪羽 北京体育大学北京 100084 
邱俊 上海体育科学研究所(上海市反兴奋剂中心)上海 200030 
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      目的:探究影响高水平射击运动员10米气手枪成绩的关键技术因素,为备战2024年巴黎奥运会、2025年粤港澳全运会期间的技术训练提供数据支撑。方法:以10名一级及以上运动员为研究对象。在备战2023年全国射击锦标赛期间,通过SCATT射击训练系统,共采集2 640发实弹射击过程的技术指标。采用主成分分析、多元回归和方差分析等方法对数据进行统计分析。结果:气手枪的专项技术可归纳为据枪稳定及击发清洁度、瞄准精度和击发前意识3个主要成分,累积贡献率63.08%,其中瞄准精度是影响成绩的主要因素。目前的高水平技术训练重视稳定性基础训练和击发技术,但未进行专门的瞄准训练,对成绩的提高还不够全面。结论:高水平气手枪训练的重点除关注击发技术外,还要重视瞄准训练。
      Objective: To explore the key technical factors affecting the 10-meter air pistol performance of high-level shooters, and to provide data support for technical training during the preparation for the Paris Olympic Games and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao National Games. Methods: 10 national athletes were selected as subjects. In preparation for the 2023 National Shooting Championships, the SCATT shooting training system was used to collect technical indicators of the firing process of a total of 2 640 rounds. Principal component analysis, multiple regression and variance analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The special technology of air pistol can be summarized into three main components: gun stability and firing cleanliness, aiming accuracy and pre-firing consciousness, and the cumulative contribution rate reaches 63.08%, in which aiming accuracy is the decisive factor. The current high-level technical training, emphasizing basic stability training and firing techniques instead of specialised aiming training, is not adequate enough for performance improvement. Conclusion: The emphasis of high level air pistol training is not only on firing technique, but also on aiming training
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