Research Progress of Physical Movement Comfort in Apparel
中文关键词:服装面料  服装压力  热湿舒适性  压力舒适性  接触舒适性
英文关键词:clothing fabrics  clothing pressure  thermal and humidity comfort  pressure comfort  contact comfort
王向东 集美大学福建 厦门 361021 
杨海亮 集美大学福建 厦门 361021 
曹克准 集美大学福建 厦门 361021 
魏书涛 三六一度(中国)有限公司福建 厦门 361009 
姜峰 华侨大学福建 厦门 362021 
胡宗祥 集美大学福建 厦门 361021 
摘要点击次数: 76
全文下载次数: 168
      While people's living standards are constantly improving, sports are also developing rapidly, and the masses have put forward more and more urgent hopes and requirements for the sportswear functions. Starting from the study of physical movement comfort in apparel, this study reviewed the influencing factors and evaluation methods of physical movement comfort in sportswear. Studies have shown that the choice of different fabrics, the pressure exerted by the sportswear, and the dynamic characteristics of the human body during movement can all affect the physical movement comfort in sportswear, and the sportswear should be designed according to the sports characteristics. The traditional sportswear comfort evaluation tends to use static test methods, ignoring the body comfort at the dynamic level. The interdisciplinary studies exploring clothing and sports from the perspective of ergonomics may promote the scientific development of sportswear.
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