Diagnosis and Analysis on the Sprinter Yang Yaozu's Technique
Received:September 13, 2006  
中文关键词:绝对速度  全程节奏  比赛发挥率
英文关键词:absolute speed  full rhythm  competition performance rate
基金项目:上海市科委重大科技攻关项目(03DZ12003), 第五届华人运动生理与体适能学者年会入选论文
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Xia Shanghai Institute of Athletic Sports Technology 
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      Through the study and analysis on Yang Yaozu's technique, the author discovered that Yang Yaozu's absolute speed is not so fast. His full rhythm is not so rational. And he lacks the experience of competing in world major competitions. These problems and deficiencies can be improved with the ways of adopting the non-traditional speed method, increasing the proportion of strength training, perfecting the full rhythm and competing in more world events.
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