辨析体育现代化概念的内涵与外延 ——基于形式逻辑学相关理论
Connotation and Extension of the Concept of Sports Modernization ----- Based on the Relative Theories of the Science of Logic
Received:March 17, 2012  
中文关键词:概念  体育现代化  形式逻辑  内涵  外延
英文关键词:concept  sports modernization  formal logic  connotation  extension
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Wan-hong Humanities College of Shanghai University of Sport 
XIAO Huan-yu  
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      It is of the first importance to define the connotation and extension of the concept of sports modernization for the study and construction of sports modernization. The paper analyzes the existing connotation and extension of the concept of sports modernization with the relative theories of formal logic and sets forth the new ideas of the connotation of sports modernization. Its conclusion of the extension is to continuously realize the modernization on the four levels of material, behavior, system and spirit.
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