Comparison of Jumping Footwork in NBA and CBA Matches
中文关键词:篮球运动  跳跃步法  生物力学,横向移动
英文关键词:basketball  jumping footwork  biomechanics  lateral movement
Author NameAffiliation
Yao Yuan 宁波大学 
Ruan Mian-fang  
Ren Feng  
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      Through video analysis, the author analyzed 8 matches each in NBA and CBA so as to compare the difference of the different jumping footwork of of the different position players in CBA and NBA matches. The jumping footwork is classified into 7 types, i.e., standing jump, one-step jump, over two steps one-foot jump, over two steps two-feet jump, backward step jump, continuous jump and lateral movement abrupt stop jump. The result shows that compared to NBA players, more CBA players use standing jump and the frequency of using one-step jump and over two steps two-feet jump is lower. Great different can be found in lateral movement abrupt stop jump. The frequency of using this footwork by NBA's point guard, shooting guard and small forward is 1.6 times, 2.1 times and 3.9 times separately than the CBA players. This suggests that CBA players should increase jumping times in movement and strengthen the training and application of lateral movement abrupt stop jumping. At the same time, more attention should be paid to the biomechanical study of lateral movement abrupt stop jump so as to improve training efficiency, prevent injury and provide theoretical reference for developing basketball shoes that meet the requirements of the sport.
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