Meeting the needs of the people and benefiting the people —— speeding up the construction of basic public sports service system in Shanghai
中文关键词:上海  体育公共服务  需求  目标  任务  政策
英文关键词:Shanghai  sports public service  demand  target  task  policy
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Cai-xing Shanghai Administration of Sports 
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      Following the economic and social development in Shanghai and the improvement of people's living standard, the expectations of the citizens toward public sports service have been raising constantly. Yet the model of the public sports service is rather traditional and monotonous. The mismatch between supply and demand has become marked. To speed up the construction of Shanghai public sports service system is not only the need to meet the growing demand of the people, but also an important measure to give an impulse to the harmonious and sustainable development of economy and society in Shanghai. Based on the concept and elemental range of the basic public sports service, the paper discusses the existing problems and puts forward the suggestions on development ideas, targets, major tasks, basic standard, security project and policy initiatives.
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