Existence and Significance of Ritual Ethnic Sports in Rural Society (6)---- Firework-Snatching in the Contemporary Era
Received:May 04, 2007  
中文关键词:仪式  少数民族体育  发展  现代背景
英文关键词:ritual  ethnic sports  development  contemporary era
Author NameAffiliation
LI Zhi-qing Guangxi Normal University 
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      The introduction of firework-snatching is the result of business activities penetrating into the minority areas. To some extent, it has accelerated the opening-up of the minority villages and linked the tradition with modernity. In the process of building China into a modern country, the ritual sport has undergone ups and downs. In the contemporary rural life, the superstitious coloring of firework-snatching is fading and its function of recreation has been strengthened. Its role of attracting investment and booming tourism is improving. The traditional 搃nternal performance?is turning into 揺xternal performance? Clanship and identification are the traditional functions of ritual ethnic sports. In the contemporary era, the new significance of the state recognition, reorganization of the communities and increase of the national confidence has been added to ritual ethnic sports. Firework-snatching plays a certain role in creasing the modern awareness of the masses in the process of perfecting its rules. The historical experience of firework-snatching in Dong Minority Area of north Zhuang Autonomous Region shows that the traditional ethnic culture has demonstrated circulation and regeneration in the contemporary era.
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