Service Modes of Sports Science and Technology and Influence factors
Received:March 28, 2007  
中文关键词:竞技体育  科技服务  模式  影响因素
英文关键词:sports  scientific and technological service  mode  influence factor
Author NameAffiliation
LU Tian-feng Tongji University 
SI Hu-ke 上海体育学院 
WANG En-feng 复旦大学 体育教学部 
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      Using the methods of documentation, investigation and statistics, the article studies the service modes of sports science and technology and the influence factors. It aims at providing theoretical reference for the realization of the Olympic Honor Program and the sustainable development of competitive sports in China. The result shows that firstly, from its development history, the service of sports science and technology has experienced several modes such as the scientific workers going to the teams mode, reserch topic mode, multi-subject scientific workers forming problem-solving groups mode, scientific coach (manager) mode, integration of science and training mode, integration of training, science and medical treatment mode, etc. Secondly, the influence factors are composed of coaches' awareness and level of science and technology, funds input, relationship between coaches and scientific and technological personnel, quality of the service workers and the perfectness of the sports scientific and technological service system.
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