Sports Participation of the Rural Inhabitants in Northern Jiangsu Province
Received:March 28, 2007  
中文关键词:苏北农村  体育参与  农村体育
英文关键词:rural area in northern Jiangsu Province  sports participation  rural sports
Author NameAffiliation
LU Zhao-zhen Huaiyin Normal College 
FU Jian-Xia  
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      By the methods of questionnaire, documentation and statistics, the authors made an investigation on the sports participation of the rural inhabitants in northern Jiangsu Province. The result shows that the proportion of the standard sports population is very low. Most of the inhabitants use the nonstandard facilities for exercise. The organization of sports participation is at a very low level. The main reasons restricting the inhabitants抯 sports participation are: there are no sports facilities; people do not know how to do exercise; there is no interest for exercise. The objective health status and subjective health status of the standard sports population and approximate sports population are better than those of the accidental sports population and the pure non-sports population.
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