Status Quo and Changes of the Physique of the Adults and the Old People in China
Received:November 27, 2007  
中文关键词:体质监测  上海市民体质  身体形态  身体机能  身体素质
英文关键词:fitness monitoring  Shanghai people  body shape  physical function  physique
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LIU Xin Shanghai Research Institute Sports Science lx2005mail@126.com 
FAN Ben-hao 上海市体育局群体处  
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      Through the systematic analysis on the indices obtained in the 2005 National Fitness Monitoring in Shanghai on the adults and the old people and comparing the indices of 2005 with those of 2000, the article tries to study the status quo and variation trend of Shanghai adults and old people's physique so as to find out the cause of the variation and provide reference for the development of mass fitness in Shanghai. The result of the investigation shows that the age variation trend of the body shape, function and physique indices of the adults and the old people is nearly the same as the results of the other researchers, but there exists a certain difference in the time and extent of the variation. The result of the physique evaluation shows that the physique pass rate and excellent rate are relatively high. The National Physique Index is above the average. Several functional and physique indices are higher than the average national values. Compared with the results of 2000 National Fitness Monitoring, there is no significant improvement in men's overweight, considerable increase of obesity and cardiovascular endurance, whereas the other functional and physique indices have been improved apparently. The article reveals the variation trend and characteristics of Shanghai adults and old people's physique and puts forward some suggestions.
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