奥运会背景下博客的法律地位及侵权行为 ——对《国际奥委会2008年北京奥运会注册人员博客指南》的法律解读
Legal Status of Blog with the Background of the Olympics and Torts------ Legal Interpretation of "IOC Blogging Guidelines for Persons Accredted at the Game of the XXIX Olympiad, Beijing 2008"
Received:November 10, 2008  
中文关键词:奥运会  博客  用户  侵权
英文关键词:the Olympic Games  blog  user  tort
Author NameAffiliation
LI Dao-fang Shanghai University 
Hits: 3469
Download times: 3731
      Blog is the product of internet development. It is a new communication platform. The legal status of blog on Olympic Games is different from that of the traditional media. Blog torts during the Olympic Games can be established from the aspects of the infringement of moral rights, the infringement of the Olympic intellectual property and the infringement of recessive market. The imputation principle of fault liability should be applied to blog torts on Olympic Games, which can be handled according to the existing civil law and the law of intellectual property. And the benefits of the parties concerned should be balanced and the means of law, administrative guidance and industry self-regulation should be applied to handle the torts appropriately.
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