Exercise, Hypoxia Training and Iron Metabolization
Received:August 08, 2008  
中文关键词:运动  铁代谢  低氧训练
英文关键词:exercise  iron metabolization  hypoxia training
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Dao Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
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      Research on iron metabolization is an important issue in the field of sports science. The article describes the relation between exercise and iron metabolization, including the effects of exercise on iron metabolization, the possible mechanism that causes iron absence and the influence iron absence may bring about to organism. Hypoxia training, as a means of specific training, has become more and more popular at home and abroad. At present, the study on the relation between hypoxia training and iron metabolization is insufficient. The article summarizes the effects of hypoxia on iron metabolization and the iron supplement in the course of hypoxia training.
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