Reflections on the Current Study of Mental Skill Training for Chinese Athletes
Received:June 20, 2009  
中文关键词:运动心理  心理技能  训练
英文关键词:sports psychology  mental skill  training
Author NameAffiliation
HE Yao-Hui Sports & Health Institute of East Normal University 
WANG Xiao-Zan  
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      Using the analysis of literature, data and logic, the article discusses the concept of the mental skill training in sports field. It points out the existing problrms in China, such as focusing too much on theoretical researches and empirical studies, lack of study on specific course, attaching less importance to coaches' roles, etc. Suggestions are put forward on having a clear definition of the concept, establishing one's own theory of sports mental skill training, increasing the research methods, expanding the research contents and exploring the maintenance and transference of training results.
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