1985-2005年间上海市中小学生 身体机能、素质的动态分析
Dynamic Analysis of the Physical Functions and Fitness of Shanghai Middle and Primary School Students in 1985 - 2005
Received:August 25, 2009  
中文关键词:上海  中小学生  身体素质  机能
英文关键词:Shanghai  middle and primary school students  physical fitness  function
Author NameAffiliation
CAI Hao Shanghai Normal University 
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      Based on the 3 surveys on Chinese students' constitution and health in 1985 - 2005, the author made a dynamic analysis of the indices variation of the physical functions and fitness of the students of 7 -18 years old. The result reveals: (1) The vital capacity of Shanghai students has decreased in the past 20 years in general; (2) Great changes have been found in Shanghai students' physical fitness in the past 20 years; (3) Endurance of the male and female students has decreased in general except the female group of 7 - 10 years old in the past 20 years; (4) The imbalance of the physical fitness development of Shanghai students is due to the over-nutrition, obesity and lack of exercise; (5) Deficiencies in the execution of physical education in Shanghai middle and primary schools still exist. The time for exercise is not guaranteed. The exercise load in PE classes and exercise classes is not enough.
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