Tour de France in the Past 100 Years from the Angle of Social Culture
Received:April 18, 2010  
中文关键词:法国  自行车赛  社会文化  发展  价值
英文关键词:France  bicycle race  social culture  development  value
Author NameAffiliation
YIN Xiao-feng Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
YANG Sheng-tao 上海体育学院 人文学院 
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      作为公路自行车运动界一项最重要的赛事,环法自行车赛(Tour of France)经过了百年历史长河的洗礼。在对有关环法的传记和文献进行梳理和回顾的基础上,为环法的起源和发展绘制一个时空坐标系,从社会文化的视角审视内外部多重参数影响下的环法轨迹。
      As an important event of road bicycle race, Tour de Frace has undergone 100 years. Consulting the biographies and documents of the event, the article tries to work out a space time coordinate system for the origin and development of the Tour de France so as to view, from the angle of social culture, the track of the event influenced by multiple interior and exterior parameters.
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