Effects of Altitude Training and Hypoxia Training on EPO
中文关键词:高原训练  低氧训练  促红细胞生成素  
英文关键词:High altitude training  hypoxia training  erythropoietin(EPO)  
Author NameAffiliation
Meng Zhijun Shanghai Institute of P.E., 
GAO Bing-hong 上海体育科学研究所 
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      Altitude training and hypoxia training have become athletes’ main training means.The purpose of training is to improve the oxygen transport and intake capacity.Though there are quite a few reports on the changes of EPO in raining,yet few reports have been found on altitude training duration and the similarity and difference of the effects of altitude training and hypoxia training on EPO.By the methods of literature study and expert interview,the article laborates on the development of the researches on the effects of altitude training and hypoxia training on EPO so as to ave a deep and systematic understanding of the influence law of altitude training and hypoxia training on EPO.
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