Legal Regulation of Sport Violence for Major Sport Events
Received:March 05, 2011  
中文关键词:大型体育赛事  体育暴力  竞赛暴力  观众暴力  公共安全  法律规制
英文关键词:major sport events  sport violence  competition violence  spectator violence  public safety  legal regulation
Author NameAffiliation
XIANG Hui-ying Shanghai University of the Political Science and Law 
TAN Xiao-yong  
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      Sport violence in major sport events endangers public safety of a city. The article discusses legal regulation of sport violence from the aspects of competition violence and spectator violence. Concerning competition violence, it suggests giving punishment within the industry, investigating appropriately the civil liability and criminal responsibility and carefully applying criminal law intervention. The article also analyzes the legal regulation of spectator violence and puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the relative laws.
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