上海市普通高校女大学生心理健康水平的调查 |
Survey of the Female Students' Mental Health in Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning |
DOI: |
中文关键词:上海市 普通高校 女大学生 心理健康 |
英文关键词:Shanghai institution of higher learning female university student mental health |
基金项目:2010年上海市学校体育科研项目(HJTY-2010-C24) |
Hits: 3607 |
Download times: 3951 |
中文摘要: |
采用文献资料、量表评测和数理统计等方法,对上海市普通高校女大学生的心理健康的总体水平与女性常模进行比较,同时针对不同专业、年级、生源地以及是否独生子女的背景特征,在心理健康9个层面上的差异性进行比较。研究结果表明:女大学生的心理健康水平要低于一般女性,且不同背景特征在心理健康的不同层面上存在着差异性。 |
英文摘要: |
By the ways of literature study, scale evaluation and statistics, the paper makes a comparison between the total level of female students' mental health in Shanghai institutions of higher learning with that of the other normal females. It also compares the difference at the nine levels of mental health in accordance with the background characteristics of the different majors, grades, native places and whether the student is the only child in the family. The result shows that the mental health level of female university students is lower than the normal females. Difference exists at the different levels of mental health due to the different background characteristics. |
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