On the Relief Right of the Athletes
中文关键词:运动员  救济性权利  法律
英文关键词:athlete  relief right  law
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Shu-rui Shanghai Sport University 
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      Relief right is the protection of the original rights and is a basic human right. If an athlete's original rights are violated, he should has the right to protect his legal interests. Athlete's relief right includes applying for mediation or arbitration, filing a lawsuit or appeal, etc. But due to various reasons, athletes in China often get into trouble when they want to use their relief right , for they do not know to which department they should lodge the complaint. So what we should do first is to perfect the relief system or establish a special arbitration institute for sport. It is also acceptable to establish a specialized sport court or to establish a sport court within the existing court system.
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