Review on the CAS Decision to the 揑OC Rules
中文关键词:“奥委会规则”  CAS裁决  美国奥委会  国际奥委会
英文关键词:IOC Rules  CAS award  USOC  IOC
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Wen-ying Weifang University 
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      In order to further crack down on doping and to maintain the purity of the Olympic Movement, the IOC Executive Board drew up the IOC Regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Olympic Charter. The dispute between USOC and IOC about the doping-related athletes' suspension for not being able to compete in the Olympic Games was appealed to CAS, whose arbitration award is that the suspended athletes have the right to participate in the Olympic Games once the suspension expires. Otherwise the athletes may suffer from double punishment and this violates the the principle of "non bis in idem". IOC should modify the relevant regulations. The award protects athletes' fundamental right of competing in the Olympics and is favorable to the harmonization of world anti-doping rules.
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