On the competitive sports development models with the target of building up comprehensively a well-off society
中文关键词:全面建成  小康社会  目标  竞技体育  发展模式
英文关键词:build up comprehensively  well-off society  target  competitive sports  development pattern
Author NameAffiliation
MIAO Jia Shanghai University of Sport 
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      The work report at the 18th CPC National Congress sets the target of building up comprehensively a well-off society, which has provided a chance for the development of competitive sports in China. The development of competitive sports should enhance its inner height, improve its influence in the world and make contributions to the development of world sports. Competitive sports should change its development pattern, lead the development of mass sports, improve the system of bringing up reserved talents, strengthen social responsibility and meet the demands of the society. The elite athletes should become the leaders in mass sports.
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