On the indices of the kinematic diagnosis of the specific technique of elite archers
中文关键词:射箭  诊断指标  动作机制  运动学
英文关键词:archery  diagnosis index  movement mechanics  kinematics
Author NameAffiliation
MI Wei-guo Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
YANG zai-hui 澳门理工学院体育暨运动高等学校 
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      Technical diagnosis of archery is a difficult key point of scientific training. The result of the study shows that the method of ultra-fast imaging and 3D infrared kinematic analysis and the comprehensive use of the high-precision measurement of the kinematic indicators of time, speed and shift and the principle of archery kinematic principle, may effectively monitor the status of specific technique of elite archers. The specific technique of elite archers features short release time, quick sound-action response, high arrow speed and high stability and consistency of movement. The paper makes an in-depth analysis of the correlation between reverse action and the factors of movement efficiency and stability from the aspects of function principle and the law of specific technique. It concludes that optimizing the way of release, decreasing movement amplitude and strengthening movement control ability are important in improving the technical level of archery.
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