Influence of fitness exercise on Some physiological indices of vision-impaired people
中文关键词:健身功法  视障者  心肺功能  平衡能力
英文关键词:fitness exercise  vision-impaired people  cardiopulmonary function  balance ability
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Wen fang Physical Education College 
ZHU Xue-lei 上海体育职业学院 
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      A fitness exercise teaching experiment was conducted for some vision-impaired people in Shanghai (Fitness exercise class in the name of “Spiritual Light” hosted by China YMCA and co-sponsored by Changning District Federation of the Disabled). The teaching results were analyzed and compared with the changes of the cardiopulmonary function and balance ability of the control group before and after the experiment. By using power cycling, a tracking analysis was made of the index changes of the heart rate in the load exercise and the recovery period after the exercise so as to provide valuable reference for developing the exercise of vision-impaired people. The result shows that the cardiopulmonary function and balance ability of the experiment group improved to some extent. Fitness exercise is a suitable exercise means for vision-impaired people.
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