上海电脑体育彩票销售网点的现状调查——基于日销量低于3 000元的网点
Investigation of the status quo of the PC sports lottery sales outlets in Shanghai—— based on the outlets with the daily sales volume lower than ¥3000
中文关键词:体育彩票  销售网点  现状
英文关键词:sports lottery  sales outlet  status quo
Author NameAffiliation
LI Hai School of Economy & Management, Shanghai University of Sport 
WU Yin School of Economy & Management, Shanghai University of Sport 
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      在当前上海体育彩票2 500余家销售网点中,有1 786家日销量低于3 000元,如何有效解决这部分销售网点存在的问题,将直接影响上海体育彩票市场未来健康、快速发展。研究对日销量低于3 000元的网点进行深入调查,分析这些网点的现状,并找出共性问题,同时针对问题为日销量较低的上海体育彩票销售网点提出对策建议。
      Of all the 2500 sales outlets of Shanghai sports lottery, the daily sales volume of 1786 is lower than ¥3000. How to solve the existing problems of these sales outlets efficiently concerns directly the future healthy and quick development of the sports lottery market in Shanghai. The article, based on the survey of the outlets with the daily sales volume lower than ¥3000, analyzes the status quo of the outlets and tries to find out the common problems. It puts forward some corresponding suggestions for the sports lottery sales outlets with low sales volume
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