On the double resistance of sport system reform
中文关键词:体育管理  绝对阻力  相对阻力
英文关键词:sport management  absolute resistance  relative resistance
Author NameAffiliation
DONG Hong-gang Anhui Polytechnic University 
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      Today’s sport system reform is facing double resistance coming from the benefited groups and the growing pains of reform. The resistance from the benefited groups is called relative resistance, because those groups have power over the decisive right and voice in stipulating sport policies. And this causes strong resistance for the sport system reform. The resistance from the growing pains of reform is characterized by losing the benefits of everyone. So it is called absolute resistance, because most of the public is far away from the decisive process of sport policies and the resistance generated for sport system reform is limited. As to the specific benefited groups that will be deprived of the interests forever, only great pressure can make them accept the reform. The relative resistance can be solved by the means of compensation or redemption. While the absolute resistance is one that cannot be compensated. We can only choose an appropriate time, when the reform cost and the prospective benefits are in a reasonable ratio, to promote the sport system reform.
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