Exercise and MicroRNAs
中文关键词:运动  小分子RNA  骨骼肌
英文关键词:exercise  MicroRNAs  skeletal muscle
Author NameAffiliation
MA Ji-zheng College of Basic education for commanding officers, the PLA University of Science and Technology 
SUN Biao 京体育学院-南京大学运动生物医学联合实验室 
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      Physical exercise may induce various adaptations through increasing mechanical load or metabolic stress so as to modulate the function of physiological systems, such as skeletal muscles, cardiovascular system and nervous system. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small non-coding RNAs that function as post-transcriptional repressors of gene expression. MicroRNAs silence mRNA translation by direct repression and/or mRNA decay and ultimately influence protein abundance. Experimental studies have identified changes in the skeletal muscle profile of specific miRNAs in endurance and strength exercise. Thus, study of the behavior of MicroRNAs in physical exercise helps obtain important information about the effects of therapeutic modality.
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