Model of state-sponsored sport events in New Zealand and its Revelation to Shanghai
中文关键词:新西兰  体育赛事  政府资助  上海
英文关键词:New Zealand  event  state-sponsored  Shanghai
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Jingxian Shanghai University of Sport 
HUANG Haiyan Shanghai University of Sport 
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      采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法, 对新西兰体育赛事政府资助模式进行了分析。通过研究与对比新西兰政府创新资助体系和新西兰国家及地区两种资助模式的差异性,借鉴新西兰国家及城市的资助经验,提出上海体育赛事政府资助模式的建议:制定符合地方特色的赛事政策,形成互补:赛事资助模式进一步整合,加强分权管理与法律制度建设;引入赛事分级机制定位赛事,精简申请流程;明确规定评估标准及评估程序,增加赛事附加值。
      By the methods of literature review and expert interview, this paper analyzes the model of state-sponsored sport events in New Zealand. It studies the creative state-sponsored system and contrasts the differences of the two funding modes relating to the central government or the local government of New Zealand. According to the experience in New Zealand, the article puts forward the suggestions on the state–sponsored model of sport events in Shanghai, i.e., stipulating the policies with local features for complementarity, integrating the model of event sponsorship and strengthening decentralized management and legal system construction, introducing the mechanism of event classification and simplifying the application process, stating clearly the evaluation criteria and process and increasing added value of events.
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