Analysis of the Muscle Strength Characteristics after the Injury of Hamstring of Elite Athletes
中文关键词:腘绳肌  拉伤  峰力矩角  峰力矩  爆发力指数  离心训练
英文关键词:injury of hamstring  peak torque angle  peak torque  explosive index  centrifugal training
Author NameAffiliation
TAN Zhizong Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
LI Nan Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
LIU Xinyu Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
REN Xue Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science 
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      Using CYBEX-Norm isokinetic muscle strength test and rehabilitation system and taking the elite athletes of Shanghai as the subjects, the author tries to uncover the changes of isokinetic parameters after the injury of hamstring and evaluate the rehabilitation. The result shows that the peak torque angle of the injured hamstring increases obviously. This proves that the time for the injured hamstring to reach the maximum strength extends apparently and the maximum contract length changes. The paper suggests that the peak torque angle indexes be used appropriately as the indicators for monitoring the rehabilitation effects after the injury of hamstring. And centrifugal training of rational proportion will help reduce the injury of hamstring in exercise.
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