运动传感器在肥胖运动干预管理中的研究 与应用前景
Research on Motion Sensor in the Intervention Management of Obesity and the Application Prospect
中文关键词:运动传感器  加速度计  肥胖  运动干预  应用
英文关键词:motion sensor  accelerometer  obesity  exercise intervention  application
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Wenwen Department of Physical education, Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityr 
ZOU Zhichun Department of Physical education, Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityr 
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      The change of modern life-style is an important driving force of the increase of obesity. On the one hand, physical activity deficiency and nutrition surplus are the important causes of obesity. On the other hand, changing or adjusting the environmental factors is significant means of treating obesity. This article first expounds the relations between physical activity and health and then discusses the importance of the energy balance of obese people and the method of energy consumption monitoring and feedback in the process of exercise intervention. It systematically reviews the monitoring method of physical activities and introduces how motion sensors, especially accelerometer, are applied and improved in monitoring physical activities of obese people. It analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of accelerometer in mass fitness monitoring as well as the bottleneck of its development so as to explore the application prospect of accelerometer in the monitoring and management of exercise energy consumption.
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