Progress of the Researches on the Social Ecological Model of Physical Activity
中文关键词:体力活动  社会生态模型  锻炼干预  心理
英文关键词:physical activity  social ecological model  exercise intervention  psychology
Author NameAffiliation
ZHONG Tao (College of education, Zhejiang University 
XU Wei 15th Middle School of Hang Zhou 
HU Liang (College of education, Zhejiang University 
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      In the researches on accelerating physical activity, the traditional theories lay too much emphasis on the role of individual psychological factors and neglect the role of macro environmental role. Social ecological model, as a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis framework, provides a new idea for the studies on physical activity, i.e., to consider comprehensively the influencing factors of the different individual and environmental levels, including intrapersonal level, interpersonal level, organizational level, community level and policy level. The paper discusses the application and evolution of the model in the scope of physical activity and the progress in the different-level researches so as to provide theoretical reference for the related intervention study on the application of the model in future.
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