On the Operation of the Government Functions in the Development of China’s Competitive Sports
中文关键词:竞技体育  政府职能  运行  内生式发展
英文关键词:competitive sports  government function  operation  endogenous development
Author NameAffiliation
GU Dehong Shanghai Universtiy of Sport 
WU Yigang Shanghai Universtiy of Sport 
ZHOU Zhanwei 上海市体育局青少年训练管理中心 
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      In order to deepen the theoretical understanding of the government function operation in the current development of China’s competitive sports, the paper, by the methods of literature study and logical analysis, makes a study from the four aspects of target & undertaking, demand & security, dynamics & means and mechanism and method. The study shows that the general target of government function operation is to realize endogenous development of the competitive sports. The actual object is to construct a competitive sports power. The undertaking is to further strengthen the non-governmental forces in the development of the competitive sports. The demand on government function operation is to take the public interests as the core and cooperate well the government functions in different fields. The security is to match rationally the financial resources and the functions. The dynamics of government function operation includes the requirements of the people for sports. The means includes administrative means, market means and social means. The mechanism of government function operation lies in the moderate separation of the management functions in different fields. The method means the cooperation, competition and balancing between the multiple subjects.
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