Dilemma and Conditions in Realizing Civil Sport Rights
中文关键词:公民权利  体育权利  实现条件  公民意识
英文关键词:civil right  sport right  realization condition  civic consciousness
Author NameAffiliation
Xie zhengyang School of Physical Education, Soochow University 
Liu Yang 杭州师范大学 体育与健康学院 
Tang Jilan 苏州科技学院 体育部 
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      With the methods of literature study and logical induction, the article discusses the reasons of the huge gap between the legal sport rights of the Chinese citizens and the actual sport rights they have. It concludes that the main reason for the existence of sport rights realization is due to equality and full realization as well as civil rights awareness, economic situation, education background and leisure time in realizing civil sport rights. The article clearly puts forward the essential requirements of the conditions of economy, politics, society and ideology in the course of realizing civil sport rights.
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