Lex Ludica: Soccer Rules Revisited and the Comparative Research into the Laws of the Game of Team Sports
中文关键词:体育法  体育规则  足球  项目规则
英文关键词:Sports Law(Lex Sportiva)  Lex Ludica  soccer  rules of the game
Author NameAffiliation
Robert C.R. Siekmann Rasmus University, Rotterdam 
HAN Yong Captital University of Physical Education and Sports 
ZHAO CHEN Captital University of Physical Education and Sports 
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      本文以法学视角,尤其是国际法视角,通过研读规则文本的方式,对足球规则的演进进行分析,并且揭示一些目前体育法领域关注的问题:体育法(lex sportiva)确实存在,包含了公法部分(国际公约、国家立法)和私法部分(体育规则);体育规则(Laws of the game)是体育法的核心,包括国家、地区以及全球范围内各级体育主管部门的章程与条例;项目规则是体育法的另一个重要核心,作者以足球为例,论证了为什么项目规则也是法的问题。
      The paper is the general introduction of “Lex Ludica: Soccer Rules Revisited”written by Prof. Dr. Siekmann, and the keynote report of the International Forum of the Asian Sports Law. By the methods of close reading, the paper makes a analysis of the evaluation of soccer rules and announces some current subjects on Sports Law. Lex sportiva does exist. It consists of a public part(legislation,treaties) and a private part(sport and game rules). Laws of the game is the “hard core” of sports law. It is surrounded by the regulations of the sports governing bodies at the national, regional, and global levels. The other “hard core”of sports law is the rules of the game. The author explains the reason that the rules of the game is a part of sports law by soccer as an example.
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