Leisure and Adventure: Water Activities in the Free and Unfettered Realm of“Chuang-tzu”
中文关键词:《庄子》  水域活动  风险  闲暇  逍遥
英文关键词:water activity  risk  leisure  free and unfettered
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
JIA Xuehong School of Journalism and Communication, Yangzhou University nenuhong9@aliyun.com 
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      Human being's water activities can be found in the pre-Qin works of Lao Zi, the Analects of Confucius and Meng Zi. But these are mainly philosophical elaboration and not the exercises in the meaning of sport. The people's water activities in Chuang-tzu are the integration of philosophy and sport. The description of the immortals and perfect men in Chuang-tzu reflects the coexistence of risk and leisure. The water activities described in Chuang-tzu show the entertainment color and the unity of man and nature. The entertainment features correspond to Western sports. While the leisure meaning of the unity of man and nature is totally different from the Western concept of challenging the limit of life and conquering nature.
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