中外优秀男子400 m栏选手栏间技术的比较
Comparison research on the column technology for Chinese and foreign elite male 400 meter hurdles sprinters
Received:October 30, 2015  
中文关键词:男子  400 m栏  栏间技术  比较
英文关键词:Men  400 meter hurdles  Column technology  Comparative analysis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
TAN Chunhua Shanghai Secondary Sports School 250431318@qq.com 
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      通过大量的资料和文献查阅,概述了男子400 m栏栏间跑技术的分类及技术要点。以国内外部分优秀男子400 m栏运动员为例,从栏间跑技术节奏、栏间跑速度及栏间变化跑等3个方面对国内外优秀选手栏间跑技术做了系统的比较分析,了解国内选手在栏间跑技术方面与国外选手的差距,提出了改善国内选手栏间跑技术的建议,为今后栏间技术训练制定更科学、合理的计划提出参考,以帮助国内选手优化栏间跑技术。
      By reference to a huge mass of data and documents, Overview of the classification and technical points of the technical points of the men's 400 meter hurdles. In order to understand the differences between domestic and foreign excellent players, this paper puts forward some suggestions on improving the domestic and international competitors. In order to understand the differences between domestic and foreign players in the field, the paper puts forward some suggestions on improving the technical training of the domestic and foreign players.
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