Survey of the Physical Education in American Schools by the Education Officials in Northern Warlord Government Period
中文关键词:美国学校体育  教育考察  北洋政府时期  历史转型
英文关键词:physical education in American schools  educational investigation  the Northern Warlord government period  historical transformation
基金项目:2015年国家社科基金项目(15BTY083);2015 年江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(KYLX15-127)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU Yating School of Physical Education, Soochow University 
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      In the Northern Warlord government period, the development of Chinese modern sports once more experienced a historical transformation. That is to say, it ended imitating Japan and started to learn from the US. And the trend lasted until the completion of the entire Chinese modern sports. This paper makes a preliminary study on the three aspects of the background, content and influence of Chinese educators' investigation in American schools on the basis of the researchers' extensive study on the investigation reports and presentation materials. The research concludes that at that time, the survey of the education officials for physical education in American schools promoted the historical transformation of Chinese physical education. This can be seen in the change of physical educational concept, the increase of PE curriculum, the strengthening of sports theoretical knowledge and paying more attention to the cultivation of sports ethics.
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