谢文骏与刘翔110 m栏分段成绩与总成绩的灰色关联度对比分析
Comparative Analysis of the Grey Relational Grade of the Segment Time and Final Results of the 110m Hurdle Race of Xie Wenjun and Liu Xiang
中文关键词:110 m栏  分段成绩  灰色关联度  谢文骏
英文关键词:110m hurdle race  segment result  gray relational grade  Xie Wenjun
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WANG Lejun Sport and Health Research Center, Physical Education Department,Tongji University wlj0523@163.com 
YIN Jing Cultural and Sports Bureau, Baoying County  
XU Yicheng Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science  
GONG Mingxin Sport and Health Research Center, Physical Education Department,Tongji University  
LI Ruijie Sport and Health Research Center, Physical Education Department,Tongji University  
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      以刘翔在2003—2007年处于巅峰状态期间的7次国内外重大比赛中的成绩及谢文骏在2008—2014年期间的11次国内外重大比赛中的成绩作为研究对象,对刘翔与谢文骏的分段成绩、分段成绩与总成绩的灰色关联度进行了对比分析。研究结果发现,与刘翔相比,谢文骏全程10个分栏阶段和冲刺阶段的分段成绩都与刘翔有一定的差距,其中从均值看,第三栏、第四栏、第六栏的差距尤为明显。灰色关联分析发现,第五、六、八栏的分栏时间对刘翔的专项成绩影响最大,而对谢文骏专项成绩影响最大的前三栏则分别是第八、九、十栏。研究结果表明,刘翔各分段成绩对总成绩的影响具有与世界优秀110 m跨栏运动员非常相似的特征,而谢文骏则在后程跑阶段体现出一定的优势。
      With the competition results of Liu Xiang in the 7 domestic and international major events during his peak condition in 2003-2007 and those of Xie Wenjun in the 11 domestic and international major events in 2008-2014 as the research subjects, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the gray relational grade of the segment time and final results of Liu Xiang and Xie Wenjun. The conclusion shows that there is a certain gap between Xie Wenjun's results of 10 segments and in the sprint phase and those of Liu Xiang. As to the average value, the gap is distinct in the results of the 3rd, 4th and 6th hurdles. Gray relational analysis reveals that the segment time of the 5th, 6th and 8th hurdles affects greatly on Liu Xiang's final result, while the segment time of the 8th , 9th and 10th hurdles plays a significant role in the final result of Xie Wenjun. The research results demonstrate that the influence of Liu Xiang's segment time on his final result has the very similar characteristics as the world's top 110m hurdlers, whereas Xie Wenjun's advantage can be seen in his latter half running.
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