New Trends of Social Media in the Rio Olympic Games
Received:November 15, 2016  
中文关键词:里约奥运会  社交媒体  传播模式  互动性  融媒体
英文关键词:Rio Olympic Games  social media  communication pattern  interaction  convergence media
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Ziqi School of Sports Journalism and Foreign Language, Shanghai University of Sport 604804588@qq.com 
CHEN Shan School of Sports Journalism and Foreign Language, Shanghai University of Sport  
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      The study encodes the literature of the social media communication of the Rio Olympics and analyzes the development tendency of the social media communication, combining with the observation of the reality. Based on the upgrade of technology and the change of social culture, four new tendencies of recreation, interaction, convergence media and mobility of the social media communication are presented during the Rio Olympic Games from the 6 aspects of text, meaning expression, audience, business promotion, official attitude and media formats. These four tendencies nearly cover all the sides of the broadcast of the Olympics and show the impact on the traditional communication mode by using social media in broadcasting Olympic Games. It is suggested that a new communication authority structure should be established so as to meet the demands of the social media communication environment and enhance the development of Olympic communication.
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