Comparative Analysis of Sports Biomechanics of Zhang Kun and Tom's Cross Kick
Received:January 07, 2017  
中文关键词:横踢技术  支撑腿  进攻腿  角速度  肌电
英文关键词:cross kick  supporting leg  attacking leg  angular velocity  EMG
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
MAO Nongxuan Xi'an Physical Education University 414270802@qq.com 
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      设置靶模具和信号灯,运用两台CASIO-EXFH25摄像机对两名国际级散打和泰拳选手后横踢动作进行同步拍摄,采用APAS系统(美国)进行三维视频图像解析,用Megwin Me6000表面肌电同步肌肉活动信号,对中泰横踢技术各运动环节支撑腿和进攻腿髋、膝、踝关节速度和角度变化特征,肌肉动员顺序、肌电特征进行对比分析,寻找差距,揭示技术动作内在规律,以期为鞭腿技术动作的教学、训练提供科学依据。
      setting target mold and signal lamp, the author used two CASIO-EXFH25 cameras for the synchronized shooting of the two international level sanda and Thai boxing athletes Zhang Kun and Yeop Jireugi (Tom). APAS system (US) was used for 3D video image analysis. With Megwin Me6000 surface electromyographic synchronous signal of muscle activity, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the velocity and angle variation characteristics of the hip, knee and ankle of the supporting and attacking legs, muscle mobilization order and myoelectric features at the different movement stages. The aim of the study is to find the gap and reveal the inherent law of the technical movements so as to provide scientific reference for the teaching and training of the whip leg technical movements.
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